Drag Chain Conveyors

Drag Chain conveyor manufacturer

Drag chain conveyors

Neo conveyors are manufacturer of Drag chain conveyor that is used to transfer materials from one place to another. Drag chain conveyors used in the in-process industries and have a huge capability to transport various heavy material.

  • A drag chain conveyor is a Mechanical continuous device. where the material to be conveyed is moved inside a closed trough by a “Traction mechanism” with extended flights.
  • Traction force used to generate motion between a body and a tangential surface, generally through the use of Dry Friction.
  • The Dragging action of the chain Link transfers the material at the required location.
  • Drag Chain Conveyors are suitable for the Dust-free, Horizontal and Inclined conveying and metering of even the coarsest types of bulk materials. Available as Single Strand and Double Strand Conveyors.

Types Of Drag Chain Conveyor:-

  •    Based On Traction Mechanism :
  1. Single Chain Conveyor:- Forged Link is present at Center.
  2. Double Chain Conveyor:- When 2 side Forged Links are present.
  • Based On Conveying Direction:-
  1. Horizontal
  2. Ascending
  3. Horizontal + Ascending
  4. Horizontal + Vertical
  5. Horizontal + Ascending + Horizontal



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